Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dark Time by Dakota Banks

A young mother finds her self tied to a stake, flames caressing her ankles wondering what led to this ugly fate. The acceptance of her soul by a demon leads to her questionable reprieve. As harbinger of doom she spends the next few centuries as a tool of the despicable demon. Eventually the specter of spending eternity dealing out death becomes unbearable. Rebellion is the theme of the book.

A cynical, harsh world is portrayed by Banks. Her mood is dark as is the title. The protagonist struggles with her deeds and eventually seeks redemption. The characterizations are solid if a bit confusing. As urban fantasies go it had less fantasy and more urban than many I have read. The revoking of infallibility and dealing with a more credible skill set helps in creating a more believable Maliha.

I recommend the book.

Body of work of of Dakota Banks


Web Site

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