Saturday, September 11, 2010

By Schism Rent Asunder by David Weber

A sequel to “Off Armageddon Reef”, this book picked up where it left off. My only complaint is that there should be a recap of the first book in a sequence just to remind you of pertinent data. It comes back as you read but there was a significant time lag between when I read the first and the second so sometimes I was wondering what I had missed. This book deals with the Charisian breakaway and the formation of an Empire.

I am an avid fan of David Weber. This book is no exception. I find that the nobility, courage and loyalty of the main characters frequently provokes an emotional reaction on my part. Weber paints simply awesome characters. This is not to say that he doesn’t build an incredibly complex plot. You tend to forget that the limitations Merlin faces are based not only on the rash actions of the colony founders but on the galactic menace that drove the colonization in the first place. I lack the superlatives to truly laud the quality of this book.

I highly recommend it and all of David Weber’s Work.

Body of work of David Weber


Web site

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