Monday, November 7, 2011

Snowman's Revenge by Mark Smythe

A snowman with hurt feelings seeks revenge on his builders.

That pretty much sums up the plot but it doesn’t really describe this delightful kids’ book.   I read it to my 7 year old granddaughter and then she read it to me.  I liked the fact that it was readable by a primary age child.   She spent quite a bit of time going over the book and enjoying the illustrations as well as the “grumpy” snowman.   It is a short book and a very quick read.   There are some pages with a very grim looking snowman that could be scary to little folks.  One grim graphic was diffused by the humorous touch of the snowman eating an ice cream bar.   In the end the snowman got his just desserts. 

My granddaughter and I could not come up with a moral for the story. 

I recommend book.

Body of work: Mark Smythe

website: I did not find one.

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