Maggie Sullivan pistol whips a breath of fresh air into the
moldy corpse of the hard boiled dick.
(No Snicker, come on, we are all adults here!) It is about time that the stalwarts like
Travis McGee and Mike Hammer moved over for a broad with an attitude, a dame, a
gat carrying, nylon wearing DAME! (Same
intro as the last review of an M. Ruth Myers' Maggie Sullivan book but I still
like it.)
Maggie's client has
been swindled and he is not happy. He
wants Maggie to find out what hole the dirty rotten rat has slithered into and drag him out by his
slimy skinny tail.
Maggie, as usual, ends up butting heads with both authority
and the nefarious villains. Equally as
usual, her good heart, surrounds her with stalwart aides and companions.
The depths of the Great Depression flesh out the scenery in
this book. The vernacular of the time
is used but understandable. The mystery
has sufficient depth to keep your attention and enough gritty realism to make
it believable.
Connelly's revelations about Ireland add additional veracity to
the book, brief as that revelation was.
Myers does a good job making her characters breathe.
I recommend the book and look forward to seeing more of
Maggie Sullivan.
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This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.