Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Lion Returns by John Dalmas

Curtis Macurdy returns to Yuulith after personal tragedy makes Farside unbearable. His alien nemesis turns up as an invader on Yuulith and once again Curtis is left to organize the resistance to oppression.

Dalmas wraps up the loose ends and finalizes the trilogy in this third and last novel of Curtis Macurdy. Some old friends from the first two novels play major roles in this book. Dalmas has imbued Curtis with an amazing resiliency to personal tragedy. I liked the inclusion of past characters and their contribution to the story line. Dalmas ties things to reality without a lot of hocus pocus. Dalmas doesn’t hesitate to kill off characters so you never no who is going to be the last man standing. Equally the ability for people to change and become better characterizes the players.

I liked the book, I like the series and I recommend it.

Body of work of John Dalmas

Review: Didn’t find one

Web site:

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