Friday, March 26, 2010

Reading Olympics Rocks

I went to my first ever Reading Olympics last night. It had 67 elementary schools, some with multiple teams, competing with each other. The kids read books and at the Olympics they are asked questions about what they read. The enthusiasm was simply stunning. It was so cool seeing that many kids so excited about reading. Being somewhat fixated on my grandson’s team, I was impressed with how well they cooperated with each other on answering the questions. They were also extraordinarily supportive, high fives and fist bumps when correct and concerned condolences when wrong. The camaraderie was a delight to behold. They have been running this wonderful program for over 17 years! Who knew? For those of you who spend your life lamenting for the good old days and what is this world coming to?, relax. If these kids are representative of their age group, the future is in very good hands!

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