Monday, August 30, 2010

Crimson Joy by Robert B. Parker

A psychopathic killer is running amuck and Captain Quirk asks Spenser for help. Spenser soon discovers that both he and Susan may be targets. Hawk is drafted as a bodyguard for Susan. Figuring out who the perpetrator is and stopping him/her defines the novel.

As always Parker entertains. I pulled this one off the shelf when I read about Robert B. Parker’s untimely demise. I didn’t read it in homage; I read it like I do all his books for the sheer entertainment value. I seldom laugh out loud while reading. The dialogue between Spenser and Hawk frequently evokes a loud auditory reaction. I will miss the mystery and entertainment provided by this towering figure in the hard boiled detective genre.

Body of work of Robert B. Parker



Amila Kanchana said...

Hi, I love books that me laugh out loud. May be I should hunt for this book. Nice blog you gave here. I'll be in touch.

ibpurpledragon said...

Thank you for the comment, I appreciate your visit to my blog.

Natalie W said...

Now this one has me intrigued . I love a good murder mystery but with a side of comedy? Doesn't get better than that! I'll have to check this book out.
Natalie :0)

ibpurpledragon said...

Natalie, thanks for the comment. Parker's interplay between Hawk and Spencer will make you laugh out loud. One that surprised me was DeMille's last book, The Lion, as tense as it was there were humorous parts.