Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Three Drops of Blood and a Cloud of Cocaine by Quentin Mouron

This book is translated from French.  I don’t know if that is why it has a disjointed feel or if it is the nature of the author’s style.   The story is a mystery or crime novel.  The characters have depth. The plot is about murder.

The chief villain  is Franck and the good guy is Sherriff McCarthy.   I would describe Franck as a sociopath.  He feels no remorse for his ill deeds.  He maintains a façade of urbane sophistication while pursuing his own troubling agenda. 

I did not find the story captivating.

Web: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.quentinmouron.com/&prev=search

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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