Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Protect and Defend by Vince Flynn

If you are into Old Testament justice, you will love Vince Flynn’s work. In an action laden format, set as about as current as you can get in today’s world, Mitch Rapp is an “out of control” CIA operative who takes terrorism very, very personally. Flynn’s Mitch Rapp makes John Wayne look like a reticent sissy. He believes in himself and his country and hates politicians. This is a very sobering book on the intricacies of the Middle East political arena. I have read Flynn, I have been able to find. I have enjoyed them all, this is no exception.

Body of work of Vince Flynn


Web Site:

1 comment:

Jack Payne said...

Great book. Strongly recommended by Rush Limbaugh, no less. How can an author do better than that?