Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny

I have not read any of Penny’s previous books so the fact that this was a Chief Inspector Gamache novel didn’t mean a great deal to me. Chief Inspector Gamache is not a knock them down and then shoot them protagonist. He is thoughtful and ponders the meaning of the often contradictory clues in this entertaining mystery. Your are really not sure who did what until Penny wraps things up. A murdered stranger strains the bonds of a small, rural community in Quebec. Chief Inspector Gamache and his team descend on the community that apparently has figured prominently in past books.

Penny portrays the Chief Inspector as very introspective. He is a more cerebral hero than found in most detective mysteries. The setting was clearly described to the point that you could almost see the views. I enjoyed the characterizations, the duck and the horses. Penny inserted pathos and humor in this mystery.

I recommend the book.

Body of work of of Louise Penny


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Marjorie said...

You are really missing out if you don't read the first four books in the series by Louise Penny.

ibpurpledragon said...

Thank you for the heads up, I will try and track them down.