Monday, October 11, 2010

The Thieves of Darkness by Richard Doetsch

Move over Cussler, there is a new guy in town. At least new to me, I see that he has quite a few novels under his belt. I will be seeking those out. This is a saga of a “retired” thief, a priest, cop and beautiful woman questing against evil. Sounds more like the beginning of a tired joke but there isn’t anything tiring about this book except you, when you can’t put it down. A classic adventure romp with jailbreaks, legends, evil and mystery, this book is guaranteed entertainment.

I found Michael and KC’s relationship tiring. However since I have known couples who exhibited similar bizarre relational behavior, I did find theirs believable. Busch was a bit more difficult to believe due to his normalcy and supposed stable marital arrangement, great sidekick though.

The sociopathic psychopaths that provided the villainy were sadly believable. I’ve been lucky to have had very limited exposure to that type of distilled evil and those people do exist, dismayingly so.

I’m not sure rollicking adventure actually does justice to this book. It has some mystic and mysterious twists that lift it out of the mire of simple action adventure.

I highly recommend the book.

Body of work of Richard Doetsch

Web Site:


The Book Nut said...

This sounds very interesting! I decided to check it out but the only audiobook by Richard Doetsch my library network has is "The 13th Hour". Since audiobooks are just about the only way I can "read" I guess I'll give that one a try. Maybe they'll get some more in soon. When I finish it I'll be writing a review on my blog.

ibpurpledragon said...

Thanks for the comment. The Library of Congress has a program that they send out digtial audio books now. It may be a resource for you.
