Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sword of God by Chris Kuzneski

Novels that read like current events are frequently frightening. This portrayal of an orchestrated mass murder to unite the diverse elements of Islam is very disturbing. The disturbing aspect is that it seemed eminently probable.

Jonathan Payne is larger than life and a good combination of Bruce Lee and John Wayne. His side kick D.J. Jones is a tad more believable. The novel does a nice job in the portrayal of feared elements both abroad and in our own government.

Sadly some of the behavior of those who wish this nation harm lead to an acceptance of deplorable means to stop them. This is a sobering look at terrorism and what it creates in both perpetrator and victim.

This is slam bang, thank you mum action and violence that is entertaining, easily read and digested but not for the faint of heart.

I recommend the book.

Body of work of Chris Kuzneski

Web site:

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