Thursday, November 15, 2012

An Echo Through the Snow by Andrea Thalasinos

Give this book a chance to grab you and you will not regret it.   I read a lot of scifi, fantasy and action thrillers.  I like getting hooked on the first page.   This book had to tantalize me for about 50 pages before I got hooked.   I like dogs but I’m not real fond of snow.  This has both.   More importantly it is a story of self discovery which is what captivated me.   In a former life, my time spent as a school counselor, makes me prone to lauding self discovery.   

In this book a young woman finds herself with the help of stalwart friends, family and perhaps most tellingly the love for and of her dogs.  

Ms. Thalasinos does an excellent job building her characters.  Your emotions must ride the tidal surge of Rosalie’s self loathing and budding self confidence.   You find yourself reaching out a helping hand frustrated with your inability to impact the situation. 

I don’t consider myself a dog person.   I have had several dogs and they were part of the family. (Sometimes they seemed like the more sensible part but I digress.)  This book puts into perspective the love that can move bidirectionally from dog to person.

This is an emotional read and a scathing criticism of how indigenous tribes suffered under supposedly civilized authority.   The book points out how important spirituality is to a culture.   Ms. Thalasino makes a lot of points and makes them quite nicely.

I highly recommend the book.

Body of work of <a type="amzn"> Andrea Thalasinos </a>

Web Site:

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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