Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dreams of the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn

I haven't read any Vaughn since I reviewed Kitty’s House of Horrors  here a few years ago.  This book, in some ways, seemed more polished than the previous read.  I don't think it is classified as a YA (young adult) but I think it reads as a YA novel.  That isn't a bad thing, just my perceived market focus.   Anna, the protagonist is struggling to find her way to maturity while dealing with an inherited not so super superpower.

I got a feel for the old comic book heroes from this book.  I'm quite sure that was intentional.   Vaughn creates a good Gotham City kind of setting.   She appears to have a good grasp of the teenage psychic or a very good memory of her own teen years.   As a former guidance counselor, I recall quite clearly how teens struggle to create an identity clearly their own.   Taking after your parents is often perceived as a fate worse than death.

The book had a lot of action and angst.   Relationships are explored and renewed.  Celia's situation forces Anna to realize what is really important.   Vaughn does a nice job reinforcing family values.

I recommend the book.

  This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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