Sunday, February 2, 2014

Plaza by Shane M. Brown

An archaeological dig in Mexico leads to some fascinating circumstances.  A group of entomologists and archaeologists fall afoul of competing archaeological  

The setting in a Mexican jungle seems appropriate for the Indiana Jones type of thriller.   Complacent archaeologists discover that the real world has substantially more interest in their finds than they expected.   The story starts with a bang and continues rolling with gods, monsters, musclemen, thugs and innocents.

The mysterious gods are a surprising protagonist but nevertheless entertaining.   Tongue in cheek doesn't begin to describe it.   One set of competing thugs seems stereo-typically evil while the other set exhibits Robin Hoodish symptoms.  

The action really is non-stop and powers the book through some moments of disbelief. The ending provides the hoped for surprise.  

I recommend the book. 

web site:

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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