Thursday, April 10, 2014

Superbia by Bernard Schaffer

A cop and robbers book for the suburbs.   The relationship between two cops, their department and the perpetrators they handled.

The author claims authenticity in his story.  Not necessarily in fact of the cases or people but in the feel of the circumstances.

Schaffer made cops real live, fragile and strong people.   Post traumatic stress doesn't just plague those in the military but those who serve the public in many ways.   I don't know if Mr. Schaffer was proselytizating or not but I read a lot of humanity between the lines.  

We, the public, put enormous stress on those that we expect to protect us.  Personally I am grateful for those who are willing to give up their time, sometimes their relationships or even their lives so the rest of us can sleep at night.

Sadly Schaffer also points out the chickenshit that occurs in any organization, regardless of their laudable goals.   If nothing else besides a good story, this book clearly shows cops are as human as the rest of us and deserve more accolades than they get.

This book does have some graphic violence and gritty sophism when dealing with perpetrators.

BTW I enjoyed his book Guns of Seneca 6 too.

I recommend it.
Web Site:

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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