Monday, July 29, 2019

The Russian by Ben Coes

 Ben Coes writes an intense, action laden adventure.   This story is not focused on Dewey Andreas but on Rob Tacoma who has been peripherally involved in the Dewey series.   The Russian Mafia is taking over organized crime.   Th US is their prime market and biggest money maker.   The mob takes steps to remove impetus to the government thrust to thwart their efforts.   The CIA leads the battle to combat the Russian Mafia.

Coes provides an edge of your seat reading experience.   Rob is a kinder more civilized version of Dewey in the Dewey books.   In this series he demonstrates that he is just as tough and brutal as Dewey.

The plot is complex enough to captivate and the action is just rollicking.

I really enjoyed the book. 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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