Thursday, June 25, 2020

One Way by Tom Barber

This is a thriller, no bones about it.   It is adrenaline fueled, foot to the floor, high octane thriller.  This is the fifth book in a series but it stands alone just fine.   Sam Archer is a NYC cop on his way home from the gym when is world is turned upside down by something he witnessed.  Unable to help himself Archer steps into a frenzied fire fight. 

I’ve never read Barber before and I have to say I am impressed.   There was non-stop action but it was filled with human beings that Barber fleshes out to the point where you feel remorse when one is killed.   The villains are also realistic but there is a point at which credibility is strained when anger overcomes even demented common sense.

I look forward to reading all the Sam Archer books. 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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