Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Return Fire by Tom Barber

This is my second Sam Archer book, it was just as thrilling as the first which was One Way.  No bones about it Barber puts together a great action thriller.     This is the sixth book in the series but it stood alone just fine.   Sam Archer is a NYC cop in their anti-terrorism squad.   He was in the same role when he was with the London police department.   His girl friend is kidnapped and the plot quickens from there.  

Archer and his team go to England and there is massive mayhem in the streets.   I enjoy how he shows loyalty and camaraderie.  I do find the persistence of paid mercenaries under sure to lose conditions a bit of a stretch.   The unhinged mentality that seems to be a hallmark of Barber villains is also suspect but as I have never known a crazed villain perhaps the unhinged factor is normal for that sub-species.

I enjoyed the book and will be reading more of Barber. 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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