Sunday, August 30, 2020

Rigged by D. P. Lyle

Jake Longly, a retired baseball star, Nicole his ravishing and humorous girlfriend, Pancake his enormous best pal and Ray his condescending father are the main characters in this series.   This time the private eye agency is drawn into a double and then quadruple murder just up the road in Alabama.  

Lyle does a good job with Tammy, Jake’s demented ex-wife.  Her character adds some light humor.   Jake’s self-depicted inadequacies are a bit tiresome.  You’d think that someone who pitched in the bigs would be more confident.   He and Nicole’s relationship reminds me of Parker’s characters of Spencer and Hawk except the sex part.  

The story was entertaining, light fare and good to get the mind off of the horrific aspects of the current year.

I enjoyed it and recommend the series.

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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