The Imperative to Protect Children from Survival
Mode Syndrome
By Teri Smith-Pickens
The most significant take away from my
book The Irrational Fear Cure is the imperative to protect future generations
of children from living permanently in the fear-based system of Survival Mode.
Besides Survival Mode Syndrome’s symptoms
of chronic anxiety, mood instability, poor self-esteem, memory deficits, poor
sleep habits, issues with trust and faith, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, etc.,
these children will not only learn habits to keep chronic anxiety at bay but living
in this Mode will wreak the most havoc on their health. Over time, they will
develop the highest number of cases of allergies, cancer or autoimmune
illnesses, due to the stress created by the brain and the body always needing
to respond to a sense of “danger” that is irrational. This wreaks havoc
on the body’s immune system, is a deadly enemy to achieving success, and causes
Spiritual paralysis.
Today most adults use the term “Survival
Mode” loosely, concluding that something is wrong with their thinking and their
behavior, especially, the part that is fear-based. However, the process of
entry into Survival Mode starts soon after birth with the young child’s under-developed
brain where they do not have the capacity to understand the context of
most of the things that happen to them. Things like corporal punishment, being
exposed to media and other adult rated issues, sex abuse, the threats of
siblings, parents yelling or being impatient when stressed when the child
misbehaves, etc.
During this early period of childhood,
many of children’s day-to-day experiences are interpreted by their “primitive”
brain as potentially dangerous – even ones that are not! This is why they need
adult intervention to PREVENT their primitive brain from becoming frozen in a
“protective posture” even when there is NO imminent threat or danger.
The term “irrational” describes feeling
fear and experiencing the physical and psychological responses to it but there
is no imminent threat, no real danger. This can result in the child entering
and staying permanently in Survival Mode, having all the symptoms of Survival
Mode Syndrome.
Why the children? Take a look at the
increased incidences of school-aged children having ADHD, ADD, chronic anxiety,
behavior issues, and being prescribed medication. About 80 percent of children
who need medication for ADHD still need it as teenagers.
Estimates on the number of children
diagnosed with ADHD in the U.S. have changed over the years. Per a 2014 CDC
In 2003, 7.8 percent of children were
ever diagnosed with ADHD
In 2007: 9.5 percent
In 2011: 11 percent
Related conditions:
Nearly two thirds
of children with ADHD have at least one other condition.
51.5 percent of
children with ADHD have behavioral or conduct problems
32.7 percent have
anxiety problems
16.8 percent have
13.7 percent have
been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
1.2 percent have
Tourette syndrome
About 45 percent
have a learning disorder
Children with ADHD
are 12 times more likely to have Loss of Control Eating Syndrome (LOC-ES), a
type of eating disorder similar to binge eating disorder in adults.
This is because they were not protected
from their primal fears which caused their brain to be frozen in a protective
posture and remain in Survival Mode. They grow up but ADHD and other symptoms
continue to define Survival Mode Syndrome.
Adult ADHD diagnosis rates are also rising.
ADHD diagnoses among adults are growing four times faster than are ADHD
diagnoses among children in the United States (26.4 percent increase among
children compared to 123.3 percent among adults).
Today’s society is exploring
“mindfulness” to counter the above symptoms as an initiative in early school
but that is just a band-aid. Instead, the best solution is prevention.
Protect children from the experiences of
their primal brain during the formative years.
Teri Smith-Pickens is an
award-winning and best-selling author and speaker, in addition to her work as a
mental health practitioner and coach. She has inspired and transformed many
lives through her coaching, speaking and media appearances. In 2007, Teri had a
supernatural revelation that changed the course of her life, giving her
unerring courage to confront important, controversial mental health issues in
children’s lives and the society at large, giving birth to her book, The Fear
Cure in Four Miraculous Steps.
A needed prescription for our irrational fears
The Irrational Fear Cure is a radical
yet visionary book that serves as a blueprint for achieving personaland
societal well-being. It is a timely resource for a world living in the age of a
global pandemic.
Author Teri Smith-Pickens, a mental health
practitioner, interviewed more than 200 people to help them to better
understand where their fears and anxieties come from. She shares these stories
throughout the book, highlighting how many people are living in survival mode
stemming from trauma in childhood, and as adults, who now use obsessive
compulsive behaviors to fill voids they feel on the inside.
She outlines what happens to a mind already
filled with irrational fears and chronic anxiety when it encounters the
rational fear of a pandemic. By unmasking the truth behind these addictions,
she gives a deeper understanding of the fears we all face and how to cure them.
Teri makes it clear that it is not part of
God’s plan for us to live in our childhood primal brains and remain in bondage
to our fears. Instead, He wants us to put on our spiritual anchor and break
free from all fears and anxiety.
Teri Smith-Pickens is an award-winning and
best-selling author and speaker, in addition to her work as a mental health
practitioner and coach. She has inspired and transformed many lives through her
coaching, speaking and media appearances. In 2007, Teri had a supernatural revelation
that changed the course of her life, giving her unerring courage to confront
important, controversial mental health issues in children’s lives and the
society at large, giving birth to her book, The
Fear Cure in Four Miraculous Steps.
Fear Cure helps readers face their irrational fears, including pandemics or
other natural disasters, live in the present, let God worry about tomorrow,
live each day as if it is the last, and make prayers and meditation their daily
routine. The spiritual undertones in the book help readers understand the power
of faith and how fear ceases to exist where there is faith.”
Mamta Madhavan, Readers’ Favorite
“The author offered true insight
and deep exploration of a range of timely and urgent issues. The narrative was
deeply and thoughtfully researched, and I appreciated the author’s genuine,
authentic tone throughout the manuscript. The narrative held my interest
throughout, and I liked the real-life examples the author used to illustrate
different problems and principles discussed in the chapters. The writing is
clear and engaging, and there is good depth to the subject matter, appropriate
for a book in this genre.”
Courtney Watson, Editor, Gatekeeper Press
“I can honestly say my life has changed after
reading The Fear Cure. It’s like
being born again; it is releasing the child that is inside you without sin,
without fear. You are able to love, forgive, understand and to surrender
because the innocence is there. The grass is greener, the lights brighter, the
sun is shining, the trees are taller, and the air is crisp. I have found my
serenity. God, what a beautiful feeling.”
Alberto Colon, HCCC, Kearny, NJ
Publisher: Flying Enigma Press
Release Date: January
5, 2021
Format: Paperback
Price: $14.99
Genre: Self-help/Motivational
ISBN-13: 978-0-9761596-0-5
Author’s name: Teri Smith-Pickens
Author’s city: Ridgewood, NJ
Author’s job/title: Mental health practitioner/ Coach/Author/Speaker
Book Title: The Irrational Fear Cure (in Four Miraculous Steps)
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