Saturday, January 15, 2022

Spotlight on The Ryzhkov Vendetta by Barry L. Becker

Synopsis of the Ryzhkov Vendetta

Alexander Leonidovich Ryzhkov, a Russian oligarch and former general in the Russian Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU), runs a covert operation in the Middle East, supplying a Saudi terrorist with four Russian nuclear suitcase bombs and a list of two US cities to target. A CIA operation thwarts the planned attack and kills many Russian agents, including his brother Sergei Ryzhkov. The oligarch is out for revenge.

Ryzhkov approaches a former CIA station chief and offers him money in exchange for the CIA operatives’ names. Armed with this intelligence, he launched his vendetta, targeting the former CIA operatives Mark Ericksen, now CEO of EyeD4 Systems, his fiance’ Kate McDonald, a banking consultant, and Lars Wahlberg, COO of EyeD4 Systems. Ryzhkov’s asset also revealed Ericksen, a former Navy SEAL Team-Six officer killed several Russian agents while rescuing McDonald during the CIA operation.

Can Ericksen and his former operatives avoid the assassins’ poisoning efforts and turn around the deadly game of hunter and prey?

  About The Author

Barry L. Becker retired in 2013. He formerly was a marketing consultant to the biometrics security industry and consumer sector. He has served as both the vice-president of marketing for Eyedentify from 1984-1986 and transitioned to vice-president of international sales for Eyedentify, from 1986-1991. The company specialized in eye retinal technology for positive identification. He traveled over 500,000 miles during the period from 1985-1990.

He has been engaged in all aspects of marketing and sales for over thirty-five years. In 1987, his article entitled “Eyedentify counters security threat,” appeared in the Journal of Defense & Diplomacy, Volume 5, Number 8.

Barry earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Broadcast Communications Arts and Marketing from San Francisco State University. He has completed Executive programs at both Columbia Graduate School of Business and Stanford Business School. The Ericksen Connection is his first published novel. He is currently working on his second book, a Mark Ericksen series novel.

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