Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Line of Darkness by Max Tomlinson

A tough, world-weary, unlicensed, former felon private eye stumbles upon a world-spanning Nazi hunting group, neo-Nazis, and real Nazis on the streets of San Franciso. 

Colleen Hayes is struggling to reconnect with a daughter who harbors a wealth of resentment for feeling abandoned due to Colleen’s time of incarceration.  While working to support a less-than-accepting daughter, Colleen runs afoul of neo-Nazi thugs, her on-again-off-again boyfriend, and a client. 

I liked the dive into World War II history and the back story of character motivation. Tomlinson showed compassion for characters in intolerable situations.  He also showed that clarity and morality may be skewed due to circumstances.

The story had action, I enjoyed the scene where Pam demonstrated she truly is her mother’s daughter.  This was a very good detective story that I highly recommend.


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