Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Lifers by Keith G. McWalter

Thought provoking is the first reaction I had to this book. It will also pique interests differently based on the age of the reader. I suspect that a younger reader’s perspective is considerably different than this older (old) reader's perspective.  A rogue geneticist develops a plague that increases the life expectancy. The stress that puts on the fabric of society, both emotional and financial, fuel the conflicts of the book.

The characters are almost ancillary to the plot. The impact of an enormous pool of senior citizens who are not dying on the support structure of society is devastating.  Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and similar programs in other countries buckle under the pressure.   Drastic measures are entertained and implemented by different nations.

Initially I found the book stifling with too much detail on the science. Later in the book the verbiage occasionally waxed beyond elegance. One concept that hit home for me was the revelation that although younger people frequently express respect and admiration for the elderly, they often treat them with condescension and distain. I’ve seen that, experienced that and sadly probably indulged in that when I was much younger. 

This is not an easy, breezy read. It truly is thought provoking!

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned

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