Tuesday, October 27, 2015

From Russia Without Love by Stephen Templin

Once again Stephen Templin pulls his plot from current events.   Chris Paladin is the protagonist who is trying to balance his SEAL handle of Reverend with his self image, personal identity and new career when he is called back into action by his erstwhile lover Hannah.  We met the basic cast of characters in Trident's First Gleaming.

Russia is rearing it's head with adventurism in the Ukraine.   Russian paranoia is exploited by Tenplin in his plot for the financing of state supported terrorism.   The KGB is dead, long live the FSB.  One of the things about Templin's books is their plausibility.  

Sonny is also back with his irreverent and sarcastic manner.   The action is paramount in Templin's books.   Once he set the scene you are forced back into your seats by the speed of the action.  Chris's reverence is counterpointed by his lethal behavior.  He searches his soul as he deals out death.   Templin portrays a protagonist torn by his sense of honor, patriotism and religion.    

I enjoyed the book.

Web site:  http://www.stephentemplin.com/

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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