Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gods and Fathers by James Lepore

This is another excellent mystery from James Lepore. See my post of Sons and Princes review. This mystery aligns a hot tempered prosecutor against terrorists and criminals in an attempt to save his alienated son, ex-wife and new girlfriend from death and destruction.

Matt DeMarco is a good protagonist. He isn’t perfect, he has trouble controlling his temper and he has problems with relationships. In other words, his characterization is eminently believable. Pristine, perfect protagonists are no fun as they are so hard to identify with.

The story has plenty of twists and turns and a wealth of evil villains. I liked the fact that the main characters worked through their personal demons. Jade successfully faced her fears while Debra didn’t do as well. Another example of how Lepore both maintains interest in the characters but also gives a reality check that all can not be saved.

Having an old testament approach to justice myself, I appreciate Lepore’s willingness to delve out street justice in full measure. I’m aware of the rule of law and the need for it but there is some visceral satisfaction in seeing evil get it’s just deserts.

Lepore also clearly demonstrates how difficult parenting is in any circumstance, let alone in one fraught with peril.

I highly recommend it.

Body of work of James Lepore

Web Site:

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