Friday, October 25, 2013

Inferno by Dan Brown

Brown's books usually chasing around some exotic place looking for something weird.  This book is no different.  This is a medical magic mystery tour of Dante's Inferno and the circus of the Divine Comedy.

Brown works hard at describing in detail whatever exotic place he is dashing through.   All his books take place at a dead run.  This book seemed far more preachy that his others.   He was making a point about over population and doing it with a heavy hand.   I couldn't decide if it was plot development or proselytization.

With the fast pace of his books it normally is hard to get bored but  in this book, I put it down several times as his wordy descriptions became tiring.   That is not to say I didn't enjoy the book.  Brown always has excellent supporting actors and this book was no exception.   Langdon was less the suave ladies man in this book.  He showed more compassion and less "Bondish" behavior.  In that manner he was more likeable than his normal arrogant professorial persona.

The book is thought provoking and timely, looking at the world and the methods technology can impact it. The villain proposes a reasonable solution to an unreasonable problems. This book has the potential to provide starting points for some interesting conversations.  There are moral, ethical and emotional questions for self searching.   Overall, the thought provoking aspect of thebook was better than the entertainment value.
I recommend the book.
Web site:

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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