Lee Child seems to tackle a lot
of current event situations in his unique Jack Reacher style. I think the insular community where the
story is set may be hard to believe for folks who have never lived in a truly
small town. Equally the power of family
may also be a unique experience for some folks who have not seen it.
I guess Reacher’s Old Testament
sense of justice must resonate with a lot of people because the books certainly
are popular. I find myself tensed up
reading and not wanting to put the book down.
These books do not bring me to tears or cause emotional distress but
they do provide a mean, visceral satisfaction when evil doers face the wrath of
As in all the Jack Reacher
books I have read so far, there is non-stop action and lots of violence.
I enjoyed the book and I recommend
the book.
Web Site: http://www.leechild.com/
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.
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