Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Healing Way: Two Dogs, a Coyote and an Old Soul by David Wiskircher

This is a moving book.   The author shares his personal feelings and grief  over the loss of his own wife through fiction.  A Healing Way was is a cathartic angst for pain.   The book provides such a hopeful outlook on love, death, dying and grief. I have to admit that I thought about my Dad and Mom's passing as I read it.  I am also fortunate enough to have a soul mate that equally promoted emotions the author shared.  The author has a gift in his ability to elicit thoughts and emotions by the power of his words. Kudos! 

The story focus is on two wayward puppies helped through difficult circumstances by a coyote.  The juxtaposition of their dire needs and a lonely, heartbroken man is done seamlessly.  Life from the point of view of a dog and a coyote is substantially different from man while sharing similar emotions.

I highly recommend this book.  

Related Sites:  http://thebark.com/content/devotion

 This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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