Saturday, October 15, 2016

Adolofo Kaminsky:A Forger's Life by Sarah Kaminsky

This is one of those books that has all kinds of accolades.  I found it interesting but not compelling or captivating.  I'm sure all the notables who raved about this book had good reasons to rave.  I found myself interested but not enthralled.  The book chronicles the life of a forger who happens to be Jewish.   His religion led him to forge documents during the occupation of France during WWII.  His forged documents most likely saved thousands of lives while endangering his own.

Kaminsky was unable to go "straight" after WWII.  He became an activist for Algerian independence despite his claims of trying to get France to accept a friendly accommodation of the Algerians. 

It is both laudable and questionable how Kaminsky lived.  The saving of lives during WWII was highly laudable, the methods used to support his later causes seem somewhat questionable.  It seems like Kaminsky always had good intentions but there is a question in my mind if some of his work didn't lead to unintended consequences. 

The book was interesting.

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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