Monday, January 21, 2019

The Moroccan Girl by Charles Cumming

Kit Carradine is an author, a financial and literary

ily successful author as opposed to the bulk of us. He writes spy thrillers and is moderately happy until he isn’t.   He finds the lure of service to the Queen irresistible when approached about a mission. 

Kit discovers that living what he writes about is not exactly the bowl of cherries that he expected.   A liberal terrorist organization, the Russians, the CIA and Mi5/6 who knows who else are part of Kit’s indoctrination into the word of international intrigue.

As he struggles in unfamiliar waters, Kit finds many of the things he has included in his books are wrong and some are surprisingly right.

The book has an intricate and complex plot, I enjoyed it 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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