Monday, September 16, 2019

Gone for Good by Harlan Coben

Whew!  This book is like riding the bull after four shots of bourbon, wild and crazy! Coben has never been better.  The plot is Byzantine complex.   The characters are real and the emotions are high.  A murder, remorse, revenge and redemption are all part of the plot.

Family ties are stretched to the limit and beyond when murder occurs.   A trio of psychopaths, although the Ghost exhibits many traits of a sociopath his meticulous planning strongly indicates he is a psychopath, dominate the villains.  

Will grows dramatically in the story.   His willingness to give up and stand behind others undergoes a transformation.   Who people really are is clearly shown by deceit, manipulation and transference.  Coben did a masterful job at creating intricately flawed personalities with surprisingly redemptive characteristics.

I really enjoyed this book and strongly recommend it. 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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