The buzz surrounding Fire Fly Lane was positive, the show not so much. The acting was fine as well as the story line. Someone, director, producer, mixer decided that flashbacks were more important than the plot. There were flashbacks within flashbacks. An occasional flash back can add to a story but these people went overboard, way overboard. When you are spending all your time trying to discern hairstyle or clothing to determine at what point in the story you are now flashing to, you lose sight of the plot. Confusing to the point of annoying would be my description.
In addition to the slavish use of flashbacks someone decided
a cliff hanging teaser was the best way to finish the first series. Cliff hangers are fine but to set up a cliff
hanger that is contradictory to verbal testament of unending love that occurred
mere minutes before a reversal was more confusing than encouraging. A cliff hanger should encourage you to look
forward to the next season, this ending just made me scratch my head and wonder
why would I watch this again, it’s making no sense. My opinion, a promising series with terrific
interpersonal action, tasteful sexual tension, sporadic humor and a plausible
plot line was corrupted by the prolific use of flashbacks and a contradictory conclusion.
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