Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Road We Took by Cathy A Lewis

The Road We Took by Cathy A. Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story is a fictionalized account of the author’s father’s experience. Set in pre-World War Two, it takes place is Germany, Austria and Hungry. A German teen meets an American Boy Scout and a friendship blooms. The depth of friendship is beyond belief and is inspiring. The German teen and his father meet a disastrous fate with the American teen and his father attempting to intervene.
Tied into the story are the fates of several characters of Jewish background and the horrific discrimination they face.
The level of hatred shown by the Nazis is sad but true. Unrelenting hate and consistent telling of the huge lie that Jews were responsible for all of post-World War One Germany’s ills underpins much of the stories drama.
Gangs of gun toting brown shirts and jack-booted Gestapo all following a moral less leader provide a wealth of villains.
It was an interesting look at Germany and the rise of a  narcissistic  despot.

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