Friday, April 15, 2022

Deceived by Mary Keliikoa

This is a Kelly Pruett mystery.   Denied was the first Kelly Pruett mystery I read.   In that review I lamented the often-insane risks that Kelly, as a PI, takes.  I also noted there was no sexism involved.  I would lament the same risks taken by anyone with common sense.   Kelly is asked to investigate the disappearance of Amber, the granddaughter of a frequent client. 

The investigation leads to drug sales, drug abuse, abuse of women, murder, arson and more.   Kelly’s boyfriend, Kyle, proved a disappointment in his inability to maintain skepticism.   Kelly shows compassion and finally recognizes that her risky behavior is due to her trying to prove to her dead father that she measures up.

It was a good plot with plenty of speed.

I recommend the book. 

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