Friday, February 10, 2023

Key West Dead by Mark Nolan

Jake Wolfe and more than a close friend Sarah, are guests at a Key West Wedding.  Things deteriorate from there.   An IED perpetrator with a grudge targets boats and since Jake basically lives on a boat, he and Cody, the wonder dog, get involved.

Grinds, Jake’s former Lt. and Grinds wife are also back.   Most of the rest of the characters are mostly retired Marine friends of Jake and Terrel. 

Nolan is a fan of Old Testament justice which is hard to argue considering the number of crazies currently in the news.  Jake is complex with his PTSD and his vast reservoir of protectiveness for pretty much anyone who needs protection.

I’ve read all of the Jake Wolfe books and have enjoyed each and every one of them including this one.   Nolan writes a good adventure story with enough complexity to maintain your interest.  

I recommend the book and the series. 

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