Some stories translate well and others, not so well. I found this book to drag. I suspect it is more of a sub-genre issue than a translation issue. A world-weary detective dragged into an international boundary murder investigation is the basis for the novel. The only thing that I found interesting was the plight of Alsace in being torn between two nations and bordering a third.
Inspector Peter Hunkeler is tired, of an undetermined age,
and a self-perceived loner. He does not
appear to play well with others. He
does an almost uncanny ability to get suspicious provincials to divulge their
hard-kept secrets. Another factor of
the story that I had to research was the definition of an allotment. I was completely unaware of the existence of
such a thing.
Living in a country that was never overrun by enemy troops
it is difficult to appreciate how scarred the inhabitants might be, particularly
those in an area like Alsace that has a long and difficult history.
Historically I’ve got family from that area and I can see
why they left.
The story didn’t cut it for me but if you may want to try
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