Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Paths of the Dead by Steven Brust

Ok, I surrender, this is the third book in the Khaavren Romances series, the first being the “Phoenix Guard” and the second, “Five Hundred Years After”. I didn’t like either one of those books but I really enjoyed Brust in his Vlad Taltos series. Maybe I have just read too much of his work lately but “it ain’t working for me.” Setting is the same, language the same, but again, it just couldn’t get my interest. I would lay it down, read a couple of interesting books, pick it up, try to read it and lay it down again. I am now taking myself off of Brust for the foreseeable future. Maybe if I let my mind clear I can rediscover what I found so scintillating in the Vlad Taltos series. Of course, maybe, that series was just better. Read the review noted below and maybe others to form your own opinion but I don’t recommend it.

Body of work of Steven Brust



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