Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lords of the Sky by Angus Wells

Aka William S Brady (with John Harvey), J B Dancer (with John Harvey), Ian Evans, Charles C Garrett (with Laurence James), Matthew Kirk, Richard Kirk (with Robert Holdstock), James A Muir, Charles R Pike (with Kenneth Bulmer and Terry Harknett), Andrew Quiller (with Kenneth Bulmer and Laurence James), J D Sandon (with John Harvey) This blog could just be a list of the pen names this guy had. I have to wonder the reason for such an assortment of names. This book was a good fantasy. It had strong characters, lots of action and sentient dragons, what more could you ask? The protagonists struggle through morality issues such as does might make right. There is a familiarity of modern power struggles and treachery that pervades the story. The struggle of the entrenched establishment to maintain control of a changing population also seems to resonate with current events. I really enjoyed the book.

Body of work of Angus Wells


Web Site: none found

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