Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Coming of the Storm by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear

Black Shell and Pearl Hand, Native Americans, discover that the “Kristanos” are not quite what they seem. This story addresses the clash between the disparate cultures of Europe and America. The violence and storm is seen through the eyes of the Native Americans as opposed to the often typical portrayal seen thorough the eyes of the “heroic” invaders.

Black Shell isn’t just a stereotyped noble savage but a living breathing, empathetic human being who has been raised in a culture that is certainly different that both my own and that of the now recognized barbaric invaders. The Gears are hard to categorize. I couldn’t put down The Warriors of Spider series or The Forbidden Series. Both books were die in the wool, hard core, how much do I love it, SciFi. This book is good, it is a dramatically different genre but the essence of all their books is the distilled essence of humanity. The Gears depict humanity as well or better than anyone else regardless of the time or planet.

I highly recommend the book.

Body of work of W. Michael Gear
Body of work of Kathleen O’Neal Gear

Web Site:

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