Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Protector’s War by S. M. Stiriling

The Mackenzie’s and the Bear Killers become more proactive in this book. Instead of waiting for the Protector to bring the war to them they do a little reaching out and touching someone themselves. The Lorings, a British family, is added to the mix insuring that we are brought up to speed on other parts of the world. Rudi shows signs of being a mystic and Juniper’s religion seems to become far more real.

I liked the introduction of the Lorings due to the appeal of the characters. It seems like there should have been an easier way to introduce a love element to Juniper’s life. The friction between Mike and Signe over Rudi seems very realistic. This book plodded rather than galloped like the first book. That isn’t as big a criticism as it sounds. There seemed to be a stronger attempt at more floral descriptions, detailing the environment than in the first book. This is still an excellent saga of post-apocalypse societ.

I recommend the book.

Body of work of S. M. Stirling


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