Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Loch by Steve Alten

This is an excellent action adventure novel. The loch is Loch Ness and as you can guess the main character is Nessie the Loch Ness monster. Zack Wallace find the roots of his migraines and night terrors by returning to his roots while simultaneously solving multiple mysteries.

Zack is a believable character in his coping with his night terrors. An over achiever he must face his deep rooted fears. The popularity of the Loch Ness monster practically guarantees a successful book.
The author portrays the protagonist as a skeptic. That tends to make him for more believable. The friendship and family ties are complicated and convoluted just like the real world.

I enjoyed the action adventure aspects but the book is more complex than a simple adventure. It is also an excellent case study of personal redemption. The book is worth reading just for the character interaction. It has something for everyone, the Crusades, Knights, Templars, villains, monsters, murder, action, deception, evil, loyalty, friendship and redemption. Even reading my description I am surprised at how expansive the story line was.   This book truly is a must for the Loch Ness monster fans. 

I highly recommend it.

Body of work of Steve Alten

Web site: http://www.stevealten.com/fast_loading.htm