Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wall of brass by Robert Daley

This book was a little different than the regular cop novel. This is more about political intrigue and unchecked ambitions. Murder and mayhem ensue.

Bert Farber appears to be a cops' cop. Starting in the trenches he ends up as Chief of Detectives responsible for 3000 cops. He has faith in the system and loves being a cop but is not a very good politician. Bert is a deeply reserved man. Face with the death of an old acquaintance he has difficulty sharing the facts of the case. The sheer number of people who have good reason to want Harry Chapman dead is daunting.

Bert's tenaciousness forces him to discover the man he shared a squad car with was not the same man he once knew.

The book shows that police are no different than the rest of society in their hopes and ambitions.

The author does an excellent job painting characters with a deep and colorful brush.

I recommend the book.

Body of work of Robert Daley

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