Friday, October 10, 2008

Art of SciFi/Fantasy

Authors always amaze me with their ability to paint word pictures. A good author can create a scene of such clarity it takes a monumental effort to discriminate between fact and fiction. The artists of scifi/fantasy remove the effort of imagination which, in itself is a bit concerning. However the end products are often worth the lack of self imagination.

Equally, I often wonder what some of the artists have ingested prior to the burst of creativity. Viagra, chili, tacos, triple espressos, drugs of less savory reputation or perhaps minimal oversight growing up must be responsible for some of the more “interesting” illustrations. On mr. mojo risin’s blog I found a link to a great scifi hardware site. shows a variety of craft suitable for practically any excursions in flight.

The art of Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo has been titillating (pun intended) us for year. Frank Frazetta has found new digs in East Stroudsburg, PA for his museum and gallery. About 20 years ago I took a group of Boy Scouts to visit the Frazetta museum of the time located over a Halloween store in downtown East Stroudsburg. There was original art work for Battlestar Galactica and the Conan movies. Conan’s sword from the movies was on display. (Photo courtesy of this blog) Mrs. Frazetta (honest!, that’s who she said she was and she also said she was the model for some of his female drawings, and she certainly could have been). She let me pick up the sword shown in many of the posters and hold it. Say what you want about Schwarzenegger, at the time, those muscles were for real, I had a heck of a time holding the sword upright with two hands let alone the one hand (I’m hardly diminutive)

There are a wealth of wonderful scifi/fantasy art out there. Science Fiction book club has a very good selection of art books if you are inclined to buy. I have dabbled a bit with art, dabbling meaning untrained, not so good but very satisfying on occasion. I drew all of these paintings and my late father painted all but the dragon horde one for me. I drew and painted the dragon horde. I also have two original sculptures. An art student in the 70’s traded me the helmet and rose sculpture for a red suede shawl branded with vines and flower that I had made. The, to my mind, Edgar Rice Burroughs space ship was in a local gallery. We walked in and I spotted it three rooms over and told me wife, I wanted it. It just hit me that John Carter would have flown in that puppy. Art does that to you, it can hit you, surprise you with the intensity of the hit and delight you for years and years.

My collection of dragons in many medias, my gargoyles, my Star Wars figures all are art to me. Gandalf, stands guard at my gate, George watches over my pool, Fred watches the back door. Luckily I have a very tolerant spouse who accepts that art is in the eye of the beholder and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by the art I love.


Preston said...

I'm really enjoying your blog and I wanted to know that I've given you the You're Appreciated un-award over at my blog.

Book Calendar said...

I have always loved science fiction art. My favorite artist is Virgil Finlay followed by Donato Giancola.

ibpurpledragon said...

Thanks for the comment and the award, or ahmm, un-award.