Sunday, October 19, 2008

Coyote by Allen Steele

Allen Steele is a new author for me. I have never read any of his books before. The story takes place in the not too distant future. Government has become entrenched and intractable. The government’s only starship is hijacked by dissidents and flown to Coyote, 200 plus travel years away. The interaction with the government, the interaction between those who support the government and those rebelling provide appropriate friction. The settlement and it’s rigors plus the alieness of a new world provide a good back drop for social interaction and personal growth. Steele does a nice job on his characterizations. This is not a grab you by the throat, I can’t put it down story. It took me awhile to get connected with the characters and their concerns. Once I got involved with the story it was compelling. Compelling enough that I have tracked down the next two books in the series. I recommend the book.

Body of work of Allen Steele


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