Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dead Men’s Boots by Mike Carey

An exorcist seeks to find out why a peer committed suicide. In a world where possession, demons, werewolves and exorcists are common, death has a new meaning.

I liked Felix Castro. He is a character you can identify with as far as his guilt of past actions and his desire to right wrongs he may have perpetrated. Fix is an exorcist with a highly developed conscience. He exercises his exorcist talents by sending ghosts beyond. His talents are strong but limited. I liked that he wasn’t just a two dimensional comic book character. I don’t read a great deal of the supernatural fiction so some of the terms and characters could have been better defined for the novice reader. There was plenty of action and the story certainly held my interest. There were subplots within the main plot and Carey did an excellent job wrapping up all of the loose ends and creating a seamless story.

I recommend the book.

Body of work of Mike Carey

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