Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nerds by Michael Buckley

The class bully discovers that popularity can’t conquer all. He joins a group, he perceives as less gifted, and discovers a new depth to his character. The entire time the group is fighting an attempt to literally restructure the world.

I am not the appropriate demographic for this book. However young in heart I might be, I’m not sure I can get all the way back to middle school. I suspect my 11 year old grandson is going to love this book. My guess is that Buckley nailed his target market. The trials and tribulations of being “different” in middle school are delved while being entertained with a astoundingly overblown Bondesque spy thriller. Images, scenarios and plots of preposterous nature seem to be highly appealing to this age group. They are able to suspend their connection to reality and dive into the base humor and broad gags. Sadly, I enjoyed the book which probably says something about my level of maturity.

I recommend the book and it may be of particular value to the reluctant reader.

Body of work of Michael Buckley

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