Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hoodoo Sea by Rolf Hitzer,

A new experimental aircraft runs awry of the Bermuda Triangle. The tribulations of the crew occupy the plot of the story.

The nickname for the Bermuda Triangle is the Hoodoo Sea. I wasn’t aware of that. The crew of the SOLT-X1 was a mixed bag of personalities. James’s personality and mental stability seem uncharacteristic for an elite NASA crew. The interpersonal relationships of the crew occupied a great deal of the plot. The action sequences were well done. The premise worked well too. I felt the ending was abrupt and there were some loose ends left open. I really liked the cover.

Overall, I recommend the book, it was an entertaining story but I did feel it left a little too much unsaid.

Body of work of Rolf Hitzer

Web Site
Review: None found

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