Thursday, November 19, 2009

Interview with Rolf Hitzer Author of Hoodoo Sea

My thanks to Rolf Hitzer for responding to my request for an interview.   

1.Reality to writing seems like a pretty big leap, what drove you to write this book?

When I had turned forty, I took stock on where I was at in life and where I was moving forward with it? Writing a novel became one of the lines on my Bucket List.

2.  Does your story line develop organically or is it gestalt before you begin?
I think it was a combination of both. The deeper I went into the novel, the more the story would change. Hoodoo Sea began to take a life of it’s own.

3. Is your process to outline and then fill the blanks or just sit down and start to tell a story?

Yes, I had made an outline. It allowed me to stay on track with the story. However, when my pen started to change the story, I had to keep revising my outline. I really found this strange when it began to happen.

4.  Do you have a favorite character in the book and if so why?
My main character, Scott Reed, is my clear favorite. His thoughts, his actions represent what I think and believe in real life.

5. What do you like the most about writing?

Writing is one of my outlets; it allows me to take my mind on a mental journey away from reality. 

6. Where do your new story ideas come from?

With, Hoodoo Sea, the idea came from a documentary on the Discovery Channel. During the commercials I began to jot down notes and the idea for the book was born. The idea for the current novel I’m working on came from an article in the newspaper. At the time I wasn’t looking for an idea, the story began to formulate as I kept reading the article.

7. What advice has helped the most in your writing?

In the early stages of the book I happened to watch the movie Finding Forrester. In the movie, Sean Connery, mentors a young man on writing. It was a tremendous help for me on a personal level as the timing was perfect with his message.

8. What are you planning on your next book?

My main character is a Forrest Ranger and the setting is in the Boreal Forest. I can’t say much more than that, this is where I get paranoid when I write. It’s as if I would jinx the novel if I say too much while it’s a work in progress.

9. Who is your favorite author and why?

Louis Lamour, I can’t read enough of his books. I have read several of his novels on multiple occasions. Most of his books are about the loner who drifts aimlessly along the western frontier. Arriving at the right place, but at the wrong time and against all odds, the drifter helps the innocent people being preyed upon by the outlaws. I get hooked every time.

10. What advice would you give for the want to be a writer?

Just sit down with a pen or keyboard and write! 

Thank you Rolf for your time and your trouble.   One common thread I have seen in my author interviews is that most authors advise to just sit down and start to write.  So for all of us want-to-be authors listen up!

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