Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Beyond the Ice Limit by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

I've read books from each of these authors separately and I have read books that they have collaborated together for the story.   Each are good separately but together they are excellent.   Reliquary  is a good example and Still Life With Crows was the most recent I read, besides this one, and it was excellent. Quirky and dapper FBI agent Pendergast is not in this book.  This book is part of the Gideon Crew series.  This is the follow up to The Ice Limit which I have not read.   Unlike many others, these two authors provided enough back story to make this an excellent stand alone book.

Spoiler alert for The Ice Limit , a giant meteor that was dropped at the ice limit near the south pole turns out to be a alien seed.  It has sprouted and the characters from The Ice Limit are back.  They are determined to destroy the Baobab, which is what they have named the alien entity.  They are convinced it is only here to destroy the planet.   Gideon Crew is essential to their plan.

The rest of the story is the efforts to destroy the alien and the consequences of their actions.   There is plenty of action and pathos.   Their concept of an alien is thought provoking.

I recommend.

Web Site:

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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